Hunter and I had our second ice day in a row and I am so thankful. We very rarely get to spend this much time together because of his job. I also find it relaxing that on these days it is perfectly acceptable to not do anything but bake, eat and watch TV all day. We have no where to go, the streets are covered in ice.
Periodically we hear skids on the roads outside because the drivers are pressing on their brakes even though they are driving on sheets of ice. Do Texans not know how to drive in ice?
Today I baked cinnamon banana walnut muffins. Say that five times fast. I ate four of them and I am not proud of that. Right now Hunter is fixing chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches to help my sore throat. He has his head phones in because he's watching netflix on his ipod. He can't hear the fire alarm going off, but can he not smell the burn????
Don't worry our apartment is not on fire. And I would have come to the rescue eventually had he not realized there was a piercing siren going off in our home. But I'm sick. I'm just sipping on my hot tea watching him cook from our bedroom. Keeping my fingers crossed for another day of closings... I want to make scones tomorrow.
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